How it works
Meet your new personal assistant
Create an account
Sign in on web
Sign up at and start using Martin on the web.
Download the App
Use Martin on your phone with the iOS app.
Give Martin your contact info
Unlike other AI assistants, Martin is reachable through all your communication channels, including phone, SMS, WhatsApp, email, and Slack.
Give Martin your number so you can reach him through a phone call, SMS, or WhatsApp message.
Give Martin your email so you can send or forward him emails with commands or questions.
Integrate Martin
Connect Martin to all your tools and services, so he can use them on your behalf.
Martin can manage your calendar and schedule events for you.
Martin can check your emails and draft replies on your behalf.
Texting & Calling
Martin can text and call your contacts and carry out full conversations.
Martin can read, send, and reply to messages on your behalf in Slack.
Reminders & To-dos
Martin can track your to-dos and send you reminders via text or email.
Martin searches Google, Perplexity, Twitter, and various news/weather sites to brief you.